Sunday 13 May 2012

Spring Clean

Inspired by the sunny day today (finally!) I decided to take the plunge and upgrade to one of the new Blogger templates - so here it is, all bright and sparkly! And not black any more. Only a few hairy moments when I tried one of the dynamic templates and lost all my buttons. Luckily, having decided that the dynamic templates were perhaps too headache-inducing and settled on a simple one instead, they all came back.

I'm not sure I like all my pale photos against this background, so I've given them borders for the moment - these may go as I'm not keen on them. But I do like the clean look.

I've just finished building (with a lot of help from Weebly) the site for Odiham Bridewell City and Guilds courses and I have to say I'm very happy with the way it looks - lots of photos of students' work against a clean white background. It's amazing what you can do with a little knowledge and determination.

The reason we've finally bitten the bullet and created a website is that we have an end-of-course exhibition coming up, so this allows us to publicise the courses and the exhibition with minimal printing costs. It is also much easier to update information on a website than printed information and we can include far more inspirational photos than we could otherwise.  It's very exciting!

Note added May 2013 - Odiham Bridewell City & Guilds course archives are now part of the In Stitches website.

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