Saturday 15 June 2013

InStitches - taking the plunge!

Well, after months (years?) of talking about it, Hazel and I have finally taken the plunge and set up our own business. It's called InStitches, and is all about delivering exciting courses to people who love patchwork and quilting, dyeing and stitching and sketchbooks.

We have spent the last month developing the website, talking to accountants and business advisers at the bank, designing and ordering business cards and working out costs (the courses have been planned for a long time). It has been time consuming getting all the little details right - you wouldn't believe how long it takes to get everything linking to everything else on a website (or how gratifying it is to be able to figure out how to change the colour of the background to a non-standard one, or insert a HTML/Javascript back button).  OK - I'm turning into a nerd, but it is so exciting to be getting bookings and deposit money appearing as if by magic in the bank account!

So now I need to spend some time (OK a lot of time) stitching my quilt for the CQ Horizons challenge, otherwise it will be another skin of the teeth production.


  1. Congratulations to both of you. It's a big step. Perhaps you should have a course on how to set up a business too :D
    I have added the web-site address to my favorite web-sites on my blog.

  2. Thanks Mai-Britt. Think we need the business set-up course - it's a steep learning curve but exciting!
